Year 1986: Congress Enacts The Federal Computer Fraud And Abuse Act
Introduction Since the early days of computing, including the advent of technologies like ARPANET, instances of computer-related crimes have been prevalent. The period from the 1960s to the 1980s witnessed a significant increase in cybercrime and other technology-related offenses. These incidents, often blamed on curious teenagers, had severe consequences for targeted organizations and corporations. This … Continue reading “Year 1986: Congress Enacts The Federal Computer Fraud And Abuse Act”

Year 1984: The Hacking Marvels of Kevin Poulsen AKA “Dark Dante”
Introduction In our previous blog posts, we discussed about the lives of several renowned hackers and phone phreakers. We talked about figures like Joybubbles, John Draper, Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs, and Kevin Mitnick, each leaving a significant mark on the world of hacking and phreaking. Today, we shift our focus to another notable individual … Continue reading “Year 1984: The Hacking Marvels of Kevin Poulsen AKA “Dark Dante””

Decoding World War II: One Message at a Time
In the turbulent landscape of World War II, where battles raged on land, sea, and air, a silent war of intelligence was being waged in the shadows. While Alan Turing was orchestrating the decryption of the Enigma code at Bletchley Park in Europe, an equally formidable force was at play on the other side of … Continue reading “Decoding World War II: One Message at a Time”

Unplugging the Past: A Teen’s Sneaky Tech Adventure in 1870
Introduction Step into a bygone era, where technology was simple, but mischief knew no bounds. Picture this: 1870, a time of switchboards, manual communication, and a teenager who pulled off a historic hack that wasn’t in the digital realm! Today, we’re delving into a fascinating slice of history, uncovering the early days of tech manipulation … Continue reading “Unplugging the Past: A Teen’s Sneaky Tech Adventure in 1870”