1988 – The Morris Worm Incident: A Turning Point in Cybersecurity History
Imagine one day logging into your computer, expecting everything to run smoothly, but instead, it’s slow or unresponsive. In 1988, that happened to thousands of computers when a small piece of code brought them all to their knees. Robert T. Morris, a graduate student at Cornell, wrote a worm that accidentally became one of the … Continue reading “1988 – The Morris Worm Incident: A Turning Point in Cybersecurity History “
1987 – Jerusalem Memory Resident Virus: The Early Threat to Computer Security
Have you ever wondered how some of the earliest computer viruses worked? The Jerusalem Memory Resident Virus, dating back to the late 1980s, was one of the first malware strains that left a lasting impact on the world of computer security. This was one of the first variants of malware which left a lasting impression … Continue reading “1987 – Jerusalem Memory Resident Virus: The Early Threat to Computer Security “