Year 1983: Kevin Mitnick Gets Arrested For Illegally Accessing The ARPANET
Introduction Kevin Mitnick’s unparalleled hacking skills has cemented his status as one of the greatest hackers of all time, making him a focal point of our hacking series and sparking a wealth of captivating tales about his life. A legend in the hacking world, Mitnick earned the infamous title of “America’s Most Wanted Computer Outlaw” … Continue reading “Year 1983: Kevin Mitnick Gets Arrested For Illegally Accessing The ARPANET”

1820 Textile Industry: Weaving The Threads of the First Cybercrime
Introduction In the vast landscape of cybercrime, it is fascinating to trace back the origins of this phenomenon. Surprisingly, the first recorded cybercrime took place as far back as the 19th century, within the intricate web of the textile industry. This article delves into the captivating story of how an innovative technology, the Jacquard Loom, … Continue reading “1820 Textile Industry: Weaving The Threads of the First Cybercrime”